Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Welcome to the 'new look' Dan and Catrina Blog!

Hey all you bloggers (and people like me who just check a blog every once in awhile to see what we've missed...) welcome to the new 'look and feel' of Dan and Catrina Pennington's journey in Thailand!

We've changed over to a Blogger blog for a few simple reasons.
1. It's easier to use and edit than the Moselle Blog.
2. Moselle is a sustainable business on its own now; it doesn't need our blog weighing it down!  Using the Moselle blog was always a short-term solution till we transitioned full ownership and responsibilities for it's upkeep and management.
3. I don't know....sometimes new is exciting!

The idea with this blog is that it will be an ongoing 'travel-ouge' so to speak of our journey towards helping to create sustainable justice and restoration for women rescued from situations of slavery and exploitation.  We'll be sending newsletters as well every now and again (to all my email peeps out there) which will mostly reference articles and information already posted on our blog.  So the blog's the "first stop".

As well, its our chance to tell a bit more of the story, fill out the details, show some more pictures...and overall, engage more with you our supporters, partners, prayer warriors, and friends along for the journey with us.  Your giving us the platform to serve here.

As this is a new blog without any history to it as yet, if you'd like to look back at where we've been, be sure to check out the Moselle blog for where we've left off at

We're blessed to be on this journey with you!

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